A. SALE: The Board of Trustees of the Meeteetse Cemetery District and Town of Meeteetse may sell lots in the Meeteetse Cemetery District cash:
1. To anybody for a deceased person who died within the District or for a resident who died outside the District, the price will be $25.00 for a site, if the deceased person is a resident, and $100.00 for a site if the deceased person is a non-resident, provided, however, that if the deceased person is a non-resident, that the Department of Public Assistance and Social Services is provided for the burial, or paid for by Park County, Wyoming, the price for the site will be $35.00.
2. To any unmarried resident over 18 years of age, or a resident widow or widower - one site at $25.00.
3. To any resident married couple - one or two sites at $25.00 each.
4. No site or sites will be sold to resident or non-residents other than as provided i n paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, except with the prior approval of the Board of Trustees, and if approved, the price will be $100.00 per site.
For the purpose of these regulations, a "resident" is defined as a person residing within the Meeteetse Cemetery District or paying property taxes on property located in the Meeteetse Cemetery District. Sales may be denied to any persons who, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, attempt to circumvent these regulations.
A. REPURCHASE: Repurchase of sites will be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of the Meeteetse Cemetery District. Sites which were purchased prior to July 21, 1983, may be repurchased at $10.00 each. Sites purchased after July 21, 1983, may be repurchased at $25.00 each.
B. SALE OR TRANSFER: No sale or transfer of sites in the Meeteetse Cemetery District shall be valid without the written consent of the Board of Trustees. A transfer fee of $10.00 shall be paid to the District before any sale or transfer is made.
C. RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: All deeds are delivered by the Meeteetse Cemetery District and accepted by the grantee subject to the laws of the State of Wyoming now in force or hereafter in force, and are also subject to the conditions, limitations, privileges, and restrictions specified in the Rules, Policies, Regulations, Minutes and By-Laws of the Meeteetse Cemetery District now in force and that may hereafter be enacted by it in conformity to law.
A. OPENING AND CLOSING: The charges for opening and closing for a burial shall be $50.00.
B. DISINTERMENT AND REBURIAL: The charges for any disinterment and reburial shall be $500.00.
C. Meeteetse Cemetery requires all burials need to be marked w/a site maker provided by the Funeral Home at the time of burial.
A. SIZE: No marker or monument shall be more than 30 inches above ground. Flat type markers or monuments shall be flush with the ground level or at least 2 ½ inches above ground level. In Section 21 lots, limited to 2 ½ inches. Memorial Hill markers or monuments, limited to flat type markers no larger than 2’ x 2’
B.SETTING AND FOUNDATION: All permanent grave monuments, markers and plaques shall be set in concrete with a minimum for 4 inches of thickness for a base and a concrete border of 6 inches.
C. TYPE OF MARKERS AND MONUMENTS: Any other markers and monuments that are wanted must be approved by the Board before placement.
D. PERMITS: Before attempting to set a permanent type grave monument or marker of any kind, a permit must first be secured from the Sexton or such other person as the Cemetery Board may direct to issue such permits. Said permit shall show the name of the company or person selling such marker, the name of the purchaser and address, name and address of such person or firm setting the marker, the block, lot, and site, and the name appearing upon said marker. On the back of such permit to set markers and monuments shall be an agreement between the selling agent or person setting said marker or monument stating that the party to whom said permit is issued will see to the proper setting, or realignment of any marker or monument set by them which has settled, toppled or the setting is at fault in any way and to replace or repair same within two years after said setting, upon written request by the Cemetery Board. Permits are to be made in duplicate, the original of which shall be kept by the Cemetery official and shall be signed by the individual or firm. Failure to comply shall be grounds for the Cemetery Board to refuse permission for the setting of markers or monuments.
Persons or firms setting any markers or monuments of any type will be required to remove al1 excess dirt and materials from the Cemetery property and leave same in a neat, clean and orderly condition.
E. Memorial footstones will be placed in Monument Hill MH Section 1. There will be a $10.00 charge for each footstone place. Setting and foundations will follow item A’s requirements.
F. Memorial Wall plaques will have a charge of $25.00 per plaque and patrons are responsible for engraving. Plaque engraving requirements must have name, birth and death dates. Cemetery will mount plaques.
All plantings of trees and shrubs or any other type of horticulture is forbidden without the written consent of the Cemetery Board of Trustees. Only the Cemetery Board of Trustees shall have the authority to remove trees, shrubs and horticulture.
For Memorial Day, flowers, wreaths and any other decorations may be taken to the Cemetery 5 days before Memorial Day and left 5 days after Memorial Day before being removed. If any such decorations are not removed by the specified time, the Meeteetse Cemetery District reserves the right to remove same.
A. USE OF SITES: Interment Sites 01-MIII
Sites are sold for the interment of human dead only and nothing but dead human bodies or fetuses may be buried in the Meeteetse Cemetery. Amputations may be buried separate from the body upon the written request of the amputee, and then only if the amputee purchases burial space at the rate established by the Board of Trustees of the Cemetery District for sites, amputations must be cremated. A certificate of amputation in some form, signed by the doctor. and the amputee shall be filed with the Board of Trustees.
Interment sites will no longer be sold for memorials. Previously purchased sites are grandfather in as of September 12, 2020.
Memorial Sites: Memorial Hill and Memorial Wall
Sites are sold for Memorial purposes only.
B. BURIAL PERMIT: A burial permit shall be furnished by the Funeral Director or some other person accompanying the funeral to the Sexton prior to burial. The Sexton or any other individual authorized by law to complete the burial information on the permit shall do so and the same shall be filed with the local registrar of the District in which burial is made, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
A. NOTIFICATION AND BURIALS: The Municipal Clerk shall have a minimum of 24 hours notice to have a grave opened and set up made for burial. In winter or extremely cold weather this minimum shall be 36 hours and additional time may be necessary under extreme weather conditions. The funeral director and family should cooperate with the Municipal Clerk in this matter. All burials will be between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., unless other arrangements are made, No burials will be allowed on Sundays or legal holidays, unless in the opinion of the local health officer such burial will be necessary to protect public health.
B. OPEN TO PUBLIC: The Cemetery will be open to the public every day from 8:00 A.M. and close at 8:00 P.M.
All burials will have an outer container of fiberglass, poly or black plastic.
These policies and regulation may be amended, deleted, or added to at any regular meeting of the Meeteetse Cemetery Board of Trustees by a majority vote, and without notification to the voters of the Cemetery District.
Burials, Monuments, Makers and all revisions as of September 12, 2020 are grandfathered in.